Monday, November 19, 2012

Beast Prediction

What i believe will happen, is that it will just a be a common house cat and the boy will start to believe there isn't really a cougar.
I was very wrong with my prediction, the child seemed to have been mauled, I personally hated the actual ending because it didn't tell you what happened it just left you hanging.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Patriots Pen

Patriots Pen

                If I could talk to our country’s founding fathers, what would I say? I’d say thank you. Thank you for building the foundation for the greatest country in the world. A place for fresh starts and a place where you can raise a family with the confidence that your children will get a fine education and have enough food to eat. A place where people have equal rights, no matter the color of their skin or their gender. A place where a child, who started life in poverty, could grow up to be extremely successful and wealthy. A place where its military will defend our county’s people and their rights until their dying breaths.
            This country could not be what it is today if it weren’t for the sacrifices made by the founding fathers. Sailing on a long ship ride to America only with the change in their pockets, they carried solely the hope of having a better life. Telling the strongest country in the world at the time that they had a voice and they were going to use it, they fought so they could have freedoms that they could only dream of elsewhere. They fought to have a government where the people had a say in what happened to them and their country, but most of all they fought for the chance of a better future for their children and grandchildren.
            Our country isn’t perfect; no country is. But our country strives to be the best in every way possible. The rights we have here in America are rights I take for granted every day. I take for granted the right to speak freely, to practice whatever religion I please and I especially I have take for granted how blessed I truly am to live in the U.S.A!
            So Thank you Fathers for founding the country I love.              

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

One Ship Sinks, Another Sails

One Ship Sinks, Another Sails
Life of Pi
By Yann Martel

Author's Note: This is the conflict and resolution of the book Life of Pi.

                The book Life of Pi, is about a teenage boy, Pi, grows up on a zoo in India and learns to love animals, religions and school. His family ends up needing to move to Canada and has too sell their zoo and all of its animals. When the cargo ship they are delivering the animals in and sailing to Canada with suddenly sinks and Pi ends up stuck on A lifeboat with a tiger, hyena, zebra and an orangutan. The conflict in this story is Man vs. Nature, because Pi is trying to survive living in the ocean and not get eaten by a tiger.
                The Resolution is after 227 days on the lifeboat Pi and the tiger are the only ones left, the boat is beached on the coast of Mexico and the tiger fleas to a nearby jungle and Pi is rescued, soon afterword Pi tells his story to a group of interviewers of how he survived with a tiger, a hyena, an orangutan and a zebra.
                The conflict in this book reminds me of the conflict in the movie Cast Away, because they both have to survive for a long period of time in the middle of the ocean, and they both survive.

A New Life

                                                                              Life of Pi
                                                                         By Yann Martel

Authors note: I wrote this paragraph telling what the cause and effect of the story Life of Pi is and what would happen if the main event never happened.
In the book Life of Pi, Pi is a teenage Indian boy who grew up on a zoo in northern India where he learned to love animals, religions and school. His family ends up needing to move to Canada and has too sell their zoo and all of its animals. The family has to ride on the cargo ship to deliver the animals too various zoos all over the world and go to their new home in Canada. Because of this ship, Pi’s entire life changes forever, the cause of this is the ship sinks and Pi is stuck on a life boat with a tiger, a hyena, an orangutan and a zebra. The effect that this has on Pi’s life is he had to endure many hardships of the likes he had never faced, Lack of food, lack of companionship and lack of comfort. If the ship had never sunk the story would still be about Pi’s life changing, the change would just be less drastic. For example, Pi’s transition from zoo life to normal house living and from Indian to Canadian culture.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Santa (personal narrative)


It was Christmas eve 2004, my family and I were  at my grandmother’s house like we’ve done every year for my whole life. It was probably around 9:00 PM when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, I ran to open the door and standing there was none other than Santa Clause!
            “Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas!” he bellowed.
I couldn’t believe my eyes! No way was the Santa Clause at our door, on Christmas Eve! He walked into the room and greeted everyone with a huge smile.
“Merry Christmas!” he said.
All of my cousins and I wanted to ask him what he made us what he had made us for Christmas, But he went to a chair and took a seat and talked to us for awhile but I wasn’t paying attention because I was still in shock because SANTA CLAUSE was in my grandma’s house!
 I started paying attention again when he brought out his toy bag and took out a few small action figures and handed them to all the boys. Then he took out a few dolls and gave them to all of the girls. After that he turned to everyone and said
“I really must be going now, I have a lot of work to do tonight!”
So we all said “goodbye!” and  “Thank you!” and with that he turned and left.
            I will never forget the night Santa came to my Grandma’s house! 

Sunday, September 30, 2012

I am Number 4 Summary/Propaganda

I am Number 4 is about a group of children from a once thought to be destroyed alien race. they are fighting, trying to protect earth and the humans who inhabit from suffering the same fate their beloved planet did.

I think kids would like this book because it has sci-fi, action, adventure and mystery all rolled into one.

Friday, September 7, 2012

"None of us is as smart as all of us." -Phil Condit

               "None of us is as smart as all of us" I agree and disagree with Phil Condit, when people work together they can accomplish much more when they are alone. If you are working alone and don't know something you have to go look it up somewhere but if you are working in a group chances are one of the people you are working with will know somethings you don't. Although working in groups can be frustrating as well if you don't get along with your group mates in which case you may get less accomplished. So I believe Phil Condit is correct when he people you work with don't distract you and others from the task at hand.
                Reading this quote also reminded reminded me of the I Am Number 4 series by Pittacus Lore Where the children from an nearly extinct race from the planet Lorien must all work together to stay alive and destroy another alien race so they can return to lorien and restore it's former glory. The quote reminds me of the book because the children need to work together to even have a chance a sucsess.