Tuesday, October 16, 2012

One Ship Sinks, Another Sails

One Ship Sinks, Another Sails
Life of Pi
By Yann Martel

Author's Note: This is the conflict and resolution of the book Life of Pi.

                The book Life of Pi, is about a teenage boy, Pi, grows up on a zoo in India and learns to love animals, religions and school. His family ends up needing to move to Canada and has too sell their zoo and all of its animals. When the cargo ship they are delivering the animals in and sailing to Canada with suddenly sinks and Pi ends up stuck on A lifeboat with a tiger, hyena, zebra and an orangutan. The conflict in this story is Man vs. Nature, because Pi is trying to survive living in the ocean and not get eaten by a tiger.
                The Resolution is after 227 days on the lifeboat Pi and the tiger are the only ones left, the boat is beached on the coast of Mexico and the tiger fleas to a nearby jungle and Pi is rescued, soon afterword Pi tells his story to a group of interviewers of how he survived with a tiger, a hyena, an orangutan and a zebra.
                The conflict in this book reminds me of the conflict in the movie Cast Away, because they both have to survive for a long period of time in the middle of the ocean, and they both survive.

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